About Junebug Ferments

I am Just a girl trying to heal herself and hopefully help others through gut healing and plant medicine. It’s been a long and gravely road, I am happy to have you on this journey with me. xo ~Kirsti june

Why gut health is important!

Second to the brain our gut has the largest amount of neurons in out bodies, Over 100 trillion bacteria call the gut home, so it makes sense to do whatever we can to create the best environment for good gut flora to flourish in.

With its trillions of micro organisms , the gut makes up 75% of our immune system, regulates our metabolism and digestion and is linked to our mental health among other diseases , bad gut health has been linked to autism, depression, autoimmune disorders, IBS, obesity and more.

Creating good gut health is like creating healthy fertile soil for all of your other systems to grow strong.

Fermented foods will help you on your healing journey to health and well being.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

– Thomas Edison

Where to Find Us?!

2023 Find us at West Seattle farmers market, Coming to the University farmers market this winter!

Also Tweets cafe in Edison, Well fed farm stand in Bow, Anacortes health & nutrition & Year round Krauts can be found at Pioneer markets. Junebug can no longer take special orders or make deliveries due to lack of staff, very sorry..

Thank you, with love from Junebug!